Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Sains dan Teknologi is an academic journal that publishes scientific researches as well as ideas in science and technology, focusing in industrial engineering, electrical engineering, informatics, biology, nutritional science, and food technology. This journal started on 2022 and publishes thrice a year: in January, May, and September.
Submissions are open year round. However, before submitting, please make sure the topic is within the scope of this journal's focus and is written according to our guidelines. All articles that will be published will receive a thorough review from a competent reviewer to fulfill publication requirements.
Based on the Decree of the Directory of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, No: 158/E/kpt/2021, Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Sains dan Teknologi is SINTA3 accredited.
p – ISSN : 2087-9725
e – ISSN : 2355-8059
Vol 10, No 1 (2025): InPress
Table of Contents
Mohammad Septian Erwansyah, Enny Aryanny
1 - 10