Uji Kinerja Modul Pelatihan Motor Penunjang Mata Kuliah Mekatronika
Abstrak – Teknis pemberian pulse width modulation (PWM) menjadi sangat penting terutama dalam pengendalian motor seperti pada motor direct current (motror DC), motor stepper maupun motor servo. Lebar pulsa duty cycle dalam satu perioda waktu PWM akan menentukan tingkat keakuratan kecepatan maupun sudut. PWM diatur memggunakan program (assembly), kemudian kecepatanya diamati menggunakan alat ukur laser tachometer sedangkan tingkat kepersisian sudutnya diukur menggunakan pola kertas (template). Untuk mendapatkan performa independensi setiap motor, maka motor dikendalikan dan diujicobakan tanpa menggunakan beban (tidak ada uji torsi).
Kata kunci- pulse width modulation mekatronika motor traineer.
Abstract – the pulse width modulation (PWM) is especially inportant for motor controlling such as in DC motor, stepper motor and servo motor. The width of duty cycle in time period will determine speed and angle accurately. PWM wil be generated by using low level programm code of microcontroller (assembler), then speed of motor observed by laser tachometer and angle rotation observed by paper patern template. To get the performance independence of each motor, the motor is controlled and tested without the use of loads (no test of torque).
Keywords – pulse width modulation motor traineer for mechatronic modules.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36722/sst.v3i3.217
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