Perbandingan Karakteristik MSAN dan OLT Pada Implementasi Modernisasi Jaringan di Daerah Darmo, Surabaya

Suci Rahmatia, Rifqi Muhammad Imaduddin


Abstrak- Faktor pendorong pengembangan layanan telekomunikasi adalah terciptanya beberapa teknologi akses yang dapat mengoptimalkan akses layanan broadband. Teknologi ini berperan penting dalam mendukung hadirnya suatu layanan telekomunikasi dikenal dengan nama triple play. Layanan tersebut menggabungkan data, suara dan video (IPTV) dalam satu layanan. Layanan ini dapat dinikmati apabila jaringan akses lokal suatu wilayah sudah dimodernisasi dari Jarlokat (Jaringan Lokal Akses Tembaga) menjadi Jarlokaf (Jaringan Lokal Akses Fiber). Dalam pengaplikasiannya dilapangan, teknologi modernisasi ditentukan dengan berbagai faktor yaitu faktor demografi, geografi serta ekonomi. Kawasan Darmo, Surabaya merupakan daerah metropolitan residensial dengan kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi, kondisi geografis sudah terbangun struktur backbone, dan kondisi ekonomi penduduknya menengah ke atas. Proses modernisasi jaringan di kawasan Darmo, Surabaya dapat diterapkan sistem full fiber/teknologi Optical Line Transmission (OLT) secara langsung tanpa melalui teknologi Multi Service Access Node (MSAN).

Abstract - The driving factor for the development of telecommunications services is the creation of several access technologies that can optimize access to broadband services. This technology plays an important role in supporting the presence of a telecommunications service known as triple play. The service combines data, voice and video (IPTV) in one service. This service can be enjoyed if the local access network of a region has been modernized from Jarlokat (Local Access Copper Network) to Jarlokaf (Fiber Access Local Network). In its application, modernization technology is determined by various factors, namely demographic factors, geographical factors and economic factors. Darmo area, Surabaya is a residential metropolitan area with a high population density, geographical conditions that have been built optical backbone structure, and the economic conditions of the population are quite rich. The network modernization process in the Darmo area, Surabaya can be implemented full fiber system / Optical Line Transmission (OLT) technology directly without going through Multi Service Access Node (MSAN) technology.

KeywordsLocal Copper Access Network, Local Fiber Access Network, Triple Play, MSAN, OLT

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