Rancangan Service Scorecard sebagai Pengukuran Kinerja Pelayanan Cargo

Nurlailah Badariah, Tiena Gustina Amran, Aditya Friandy


AbstrakPersaingan antara pelaku bisnis charter flight semakin ketat dalam persaingan global. perusahaan harus  dinamis dan adaptif terhadap perubahan lingkungan bisnis. Perubahan ke arah strategi yang dapat diimplementasikan sesuai dengan perkembangan persaingan charter flight untuk pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan aplikatif yaitu merancang suatu sistem yang dapat diaplikasikan pada perusahaan charter flight, yang telah memiliki sistem pengelolaan kinerja dengan menggunakan Balanced Scorecard. Pada perancangan Balanced Scorecard terdapat 4 perspektif utama yaitu : financial perspective , customer perspective, internal business processes , learning and growth perspective. Balanced Scorecard tidak di desain secara spesifik untuk perusahaan jasa dan tidak bersifat prediksi. Sementara Service Scorecard memfokuskan spesifik pelayanan pada customer perspective. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh Strategy Mapping yang memuat tujuan-tujuan strategis dan indikator (Lead dan Lag) dari Service Scorecard. Terdapat 17 ukuran kinerja yang temuat di dalam 17 tujuan strategis dan 7 perspektif dari Service Scorecard yaitu : Growth, Leadearship, Acceleration, Collaboration, Innovation, Execution, Retention. Tujuan strategis yang dibuat dalam suatu Strategy Mapping dan indikator sangat berguna untuk menyusun langkah selanjutnya yang akan ditempuh oleh perusahaan.


AbstractCompetition between charter flight businesses increasingly stringent in a global competition. Companies must be dynamic and adaptive to changes in the business environment.  Changes in the direction of strategy that can be implemented in accordance with the competition  development of charter flight for the best service for customers. This research uses applicative approach to design a system that can be applied to the charter flight company, which already has a performance management system by using the Balanced Scorecard. In the Balanced Scorecard , there are four main perspectives: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business processes, learning and growth perspective. Balanced Scorecard is not designed specifically to service companies and non-predictive. While the Service Scorecard specific focus on customer service perspective. This research has resulted a strategy map with subsequent strategic objectives and indicator (Lead and Lag) for Service Scorecard. Finally, there are 17 performance measures with subsequent 17 strategic objectives and 7 perspectives Service Scorecard: Growth, Leadearship, Acceleration, Collaboration, Innovation, Execution, Retention. Strategic goals made in a Mapping Strategy and indicator is very useful to formulate the next steps to be taken by the company.


Keyword – Service Scorecard, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Mapping, customer perspective, Lead dan Lag

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36722/sst.v2i3.135


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