Identifikasi Potensi Bahaya dan Analisis Risiko Penyebaran Virus Covid-19 pada Proses Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (PTM) Terbatas di SMK XYZ

Dinda Aulia, Aprillia Tri Purwandari


The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the coronavirus has caused most human activities to be hampered, ranging from trade bans and office closures to students who have to do online learning activities. However, over time, the rate of positive coronavirus cases began to decline so that governments in various countries began to open schools and allow limited face-to-face learning processes. This research was carried out as a step to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the school environment and was carried out at one of the vocational high schools in Jakarta using Job Safety Analysis (JSA) to identify activities and risks that could potentially cause the spread of the coronavirus in the school environment. Then, the activity with the highest average fuzzy risk level is determined using the fuzzy approach. Activities with very high risk are analyzed for their causes using the domino theory and given recommendations for their control. From the results of this study, it is known that the level of compliance of XYZ Vocational School residents in implementing health protocols, especially when outside the home, is good. It is also known that there are 6 types of activities that are categorized as very high, with 10 direct causes that can cause incidents. Therefore, the most dominant risk control suggestion is administrative steps to minimize the spread of the virus due to weak control, which is the root cause of the basic cause and immediate cause, according to the domino theory sequence.

Keywords - Covid-19, Domino theory, Fis mamdani, FTA, JSA, The Limited face-to-face learning process

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